Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well, that's about it

I've brought over all the posts that I wanted from my other site. It was difficult to not edit them. It's like any other writing that we do.

Our older work is exactly what it needed to be when we put it down, the right time and place and space. Still, it was tempting to just tweak it a bit, reduce the wordiness; and then I realized that that's just my style and I let it alone; didn't even read while I was bringing the pages over.

I'm beginning to trust that this is a fairly safe place for me to write. To be honest, I can't imagine that anyone would find any of this the teeniest bit interesting, and should someone stumble across this, they will probably just keep on stumbling forward. Yet, it is a place where I can share stuff with people that I trust, without the pressure of face-to-face confessions.

Only time will tell if I remember to return.

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